The Shiurim are initially filtered for the current year by default. To change the filter, please use the criteria in the Search box below.
Led by Tzvi Gelt and Avi Mehler, this is a large and popular Daf Yomi group. It runs one hour before shacharit every day, except Shabbat and Yomim Tovim in the summer.
A daily commitment gets you the most from this group, as well as rare changes in the schedule.
Rabbi Rapp holds a Zoom-enabled shiur for both men and women, generally on one perek of Nevi'im
Led by Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher of the Denver Community Kollel, this shiur is focused on Jewish law as practically applied to the present time from the weekly Parsha. The shiur meets every Sunday after Shacharit.
Dr. Chaya Rapp, our Rebbetzin, gives a Zoom-enabled women's shiur on Sefer Beraishit at 7 PM.
Led by Rabbi Leban, of YTC's The Jewish Experience, this shiur is focused on Talmud Bava Basra. The shiur meets every Monday at 6:30 PM in the spring/summer, and 7:30 in the fall/winter.
Led by Tzvi Gelt each Tuesday at 7:15 AM on Talmud Baba Metziah
Men's Shiur led by Rabbi Yoel Unger each Tuesday at 7:30 PM (except when Mincha/Maariv require it to move).
Rabbi Rapp gives a Zoom-enabled shiur on a topic related to the weekly parasha.
This shiur is led by the members in rotation, learning through various mesechtas over time.
Led by Shlomo Fried each Shabbat morning at 8:30 AM, 30 minutes before davening.
Led by Rabbi Rapp when he is available; Rabbi Yisroel Engel of Chabad, most weeks; by scholars-in-residence; or various other speakers throughout the year, this shiur begins 50 minutes before Mincha on a variety of topics including the week's parsha, upcoming holidays, historical topics, and other special topics of the speaker's choosing.
These Divrei Torah pointers are representative of those suggested by our members.
Inclusion in this list is not an endorsement by EDOS of any specific viewpoint in any specific Dvar Torah.
These are provided in order to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of our sacred writings.
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YUTorah.org | www.yutorah.org |
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Toras Aish | www.aishdas.org/ta/ |
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OU Torah Center | www.ou.org/torah/index |
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Torah Tidbits | www.torahtidbits.com |